Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gave Lives for the Children

On this Memorial Day, I give honor and tribute to all veterans of all wars who served our country. I especially give honor to the memories of those who died in battle and/or service to the preservation of freedom and rights for all humankind, for which the great nation of America stands.

Beyond paying honor to the memories of those who died in battle, I also pay tribute to those who served and lived , and those who served but passed on to the next life, though not dying in battle.

Most of all, I honor those who served their country to preserve it for the children. This blog is about children. The children are our future and our hope for humanity to continue. In this spirit, I say thanks and may God bless all our heroes great and small and may God bless our children and allow them to inherit an honorable God loving nation that honors God and one another.

God bless us every one.



